2024.07.23 (화)

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기상청 제공


[PRNewswire] CCTV+, CIPCC hold Global Media Workshop to deepen understanding


(BEIJING, Nov. 3, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The CCTV Video News Agency (CCTV+) and the China International Press Communication Center (CIPCC) co-hosted the Global Media Workshop in Beijing on Wednesday to deepen mutual understanding between Chinese and foreign media outlets.


The event, under the theme of "New Journey to Modernization, New Chapter of Cooperation", brought together 100 media representatives from 40 countries and regions.


"Visiting China has opened a window for us and set up a wonderful channel to learn about China truthfully. We can also share the Chinese method and practices to other countries with the help of the media," said Ahmed Mohamed Saadeldin, anchor of Egypt's Neil TV, as he shared his experience at the event.


Teng Yunping, president of CCTV+, gave a warm welcome to the global press corps in his opening remarks. He said that as an essential part of the China Media Group (CMG), CCTV+ has played a key role in publicizing the importance of the 20th CPC National Congress and expressed willingness to work together with media partners all over the world, to complement each other's strengths and seek common development in the future.


"The event created a valuable exchange opportunity for both sides (CCTV+ and the CIPCC) and established a platform for strengthening exchanges and sharing communication experience on covering significant events," said Yu Lei, director of the CIPCC, at the event.


During the Case Study Session of the event, 14 delegates shared their opinions and reporting experiences in China. Some media representatives pointed out that Western countries have their own perspectives, while some noted that Western countries may have misunderstood or distorted news stories relating to China.


"Providing true news stories is the responsibility throughout our life career as journalists," said Ruslan Kenjaev, deputy editor-in-chief of Uzbekistan's Narodnoe Slovo (People's Word) Newspaper.


"We are independent people. We should have our own judgment. Thus, we need to guarantee the truth and objectivity of news reports and be able to better convey the true China to our audiences," said Francisca Martinez Mateo, reporter of Mexico's Canal 6 TV.


After listening to the speech of President Xi Jinping at the 20th CPC National Congress, which gave an account of the huge developmental changes in China, international reporters who attended the Workshop said that they have learned more about the Chinese government's management, plans and strategies for the next five years. This experience will help them to produce more accurate news coverage and media products to the world.


Tristan Duterte Nodalo from CNN Philippines said that with the modernization of journalism and the utilization of more digital approaches, journalists are now better equipped to tell and share a better story to the rest of the world.

수원 / 안산 / 지역소식





오월의 난장 [별하랜드], 성황리 마쳐... 청소년이 기획하고 주도한 기념행사
시즌데일리 = 정영한 기자ㅣ(재)광명시청소년재단 광명시청소년수련관(관장 이진수)는 2024년 청소년의 달 기념행사 ‘오월의 난장 별하랜드’를 지난 25일 개최했다고 밝혔다. 청소년의 달을 기념하여 진행된 올해 오월의 난장은 기념식을 시작으로 △기념식 △청소년 공연 △청소년 체험부스(환경, 문화, 예술, 스포츠, 참여존) △먹거리존 △연예인 초청공연 등 다양한 행사로 구성돼 진행됐다. 오월의 난장 기념식에는 청소년참여위원회와 청소년운영위원회 청소년 위원들과 청소년의 달 유공 포창 대상 청소년, 내외빈이 참석해 자리를 빛냈다. 청소년 체험부스는 총 23개팀이 청소년들을 위해 운영해주었으며 환경 부스 11개, 문화·예술·과학·사회참여부스 21개, 스포츠 부스 3개. 이벤트 부스 2개 등으로 총 32개의 부스가 운영되었다. 청소년 공연은 광명시청소년재단 광명시청소년수련관, 해냄청소년활동센터, 나름청소년활동센터, 푸름청소년활동센터에서 활동하고 있는 청소년 밴드, 댄스 동아리 23팀이 참가했다. 청소년들이 신나고 즐길 수 있는 곡들로 선정하여 무대를 선보여 관람객들에게 즐거움을 선사했다. 이밖에도 경서예지와 한음 연예인 초청공연, 푸드트럭, 만족도 설문조사 이벤트와 같


